Well, I don't strictly "need" the bulky stuff. I carry it because it helps me feel more prepared and the areas in which I live and work, while not urban, are very heavily developed suburbia.

The mini-prybar is simply a cool bit of gear I probably could do without. Swim goggles won't work because I wear glasses. That's a weakspot. I'm extremely nearsighted and need bifocals now (I'm 42). If I lose my glasses, you will not only be driving me home, you'll be walking me to my door, too.

I carry the bulky stuff because they are useful for more than just digging out of rubble. There are car accidents all the time in this area. One day I will be Johnny-on-the-spot and I need to be ready.

Also, the nearby mall is the King of Prussia Mall. I am there frequently and it is, in my opinion, a prime target, if you get my drift. Just trying to be prepared here.

I don't expect anything to happen to me while I'm at work. It's commuting and "mall-ratting" that I'm planning for.

Gotta hand it to you. You are WAY more prepared than I am. I think I must upgrade.