Teslinhiker...I taught in a public high school, west coast of Florida... the building I worked at was built in 1972 and remodeled several times...the exterior building doors were metal framed but primarily glass reinforced with wire for OHSA vision requirements... interior hallway doors were a mix of steel but mostly solid wood with metal frames that were lockable from the inside but keyed for a master key...they had 8x24 glass panels for safety while opening...interior doors were solid wood,lockable, typically without any vision window..

one of the modifications to the emergency management plan we made after Columbine was to have a remote but secure key safe for responding law enforcement..sets of master keys... laminated floor plans...phone directory by classroom numbers... and video (DVD) made from the 7 primary access points so back up officers had an idea of the building layout ...copies were at the police/fire/and sheriff's office

our school nurses had several prepositioned trauma kits in various parts of the building