I was home on leave for three weeks from Afghanistan where I'm a civilian contractor. I assembled a personal medical kit based on the guidelines of the Wilderness EMS Institute http://www.wemsi.org/ . This kit will supplement an Army IFAK that I bought on eBay to carry here. Since I’m working on getting recertified as an EMT-B I also took the opportunity, while on leave, to complete CPR/AED for the Professional from the American Red Cross.

Kit Closed

Kit Open

X30 naproxen (pain)
X12 Imodium (diarrea)
X7 meclizine (motion sickness)
X6 azithromycin (broad-spectum antibiotic 1 course)
X1 digital thermometer
X1 spare battery
X15 thermometer covers
X2 oral rehydration salts (to make 2 liters)
X1 gloves
X1 CPR shield
X1 1” tape
X4 cotton applicators
X1 3” gauze roll
X1 3” elastic bandage
X6 3x4” gauze pads
X1 OB tampon
X2 large safety pins
X6 antiseptic towelettes (benzalkonium)
X10 12-hour pseudoephedrine (decongestant)
X1 splinter forceps
X1 bandage scissors
X4 3x4” moleskin
X10 1” adhesive bandages (cloth)
X1 Lamisil cream (antifungal)

Kit Un-Packed

Edited by WILD_WEASEL (10/23/10 11:29 AM)
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.