It is helpful to understand that truth is not a destination. You don't get there and settle contentedly. Truth is a continuum. There are greater and less truths. Greater truths don't invalidate less truths. Quantum physics didn't invalidate Newtonian physics.

Lesser truths are not often entirely false and they never go away entirely. Geo-centrism was correct in saying that it looks like the sun travels around the earth. That is our natural experiential reality and default. Careful observation shows this to be an incomplete understanding but it isn't entirely wrong. In fact it contains, for people not focused on astronomy, more important truths than the heliocentric model. If you want to understand people it helps to understand that the default assumption for human consciousness is to assume that we, as individuals, are standing still in space and time.

Look around. Have you noticed that kids seem younger and less mature than back in the day? Have you noticed that distances seem shorter? Have you noticed that authority figures are less impressive and competent. Certainly when I was a kid we were more mature, the distance to the store was longer, politicians were more trustworthy. I haven't changed. I don't feel like I've changed.

Truth is also not fixed. You can't contain it or put a leash on it. One of my complaints about most western religions is that they gain a truth and then stop. A religious friend tells me that every truth I will ever need is in his one book. He treats truth as if it was a lap-dog to be trotted out, petted, let out occasionally. He worships this set of truths but has stopped struggling and looking for better explanations and insights.