I believe in the concept of "question everything". That's a concept I learned and practiced when I was studying to be an engineer in undergrad. The professors taught it freshman year. In fact, the teachers intentionally set up lab experiments where there were no definitive answers, but they didn't tell us. For the students who were listening, we knew there were no definitive answers. We were supposed to "question everything". The point of the experiments was to learn how to record data, analyze processes and formulate our own conclusions.

15 years later, I sometimes have to remind myself to practice that way of thinking. As far as I know, questioning everything is the surest way to get to the so-called truth. If Einstein had not chosen to question everything, he would not have developed general relativity, special relativity and other theories.

It's interesting to see how many people on this site know about the concept of questioning everything, while a few people will become a fan of a product because some celebrity survivalist used it on TV or whatever. That other way of thinking involves blindly accepting what someone else says. It's so much easier, but it's not the best way to get to the truth.

I will admit though that it's not always practical to question everything. For example, a successful businessman cannot afford to question everything. Many times, a businessman has to accept information from a reliable source and act upon it without doing too much research. Time is limited.
If you're reading this, it's too late.