It would be nice to see some of the fire making gear folks have. So here are some of the items in my fire making tool collection.

Match Cases - aluminum and plastic

Wooden Matches - regular, strike anywhere, and storm

Metal Match - There is a fibrous material inside the tube. The match stick removes some of the material which has some sort of accelerant on it. There is a ferro rod which the stick is struck against and the material ignites for about fifteen seconds. I picked this up on eBay for a about $1.50. It will light many many times.

Tinder - petroleum Jelly cotton balls, jute rope, dryer lint, and char cloth.

Tinder - magnesium rod, bar, chips, and bar with ferrocerium rod.

Plastic lens for solar fire starting

Glass lens for solar fire starting

Nylon fire piston

Nylon Fire piston disassembled

fire piston "pen"