I've used a road flare,to start a fire...Once! Conditions have to be correct,Such as wind or Lack of wind,wind direction or lack of wind direction,In otherwords, Make sure wherever you'd like to start that fire,There is Plenty of Ventilation for the smoke of the flare,& The resulting fire, should you leave the flare,Fireside!Also keep in mind the Fiery,Molten Sulphur slag that's produced Copiously from the flare.If any of you played with burning Hot Wheels track,as a kid,It's just like that except 7-fold the intensity!Brimstone Stinks!If you use a flare,then snuff it out,It will be a Bear to re-light,plus where do you plan on storing that 1/2 burnt Stogie of Brimstone?It will make everything smell like that 3 letter word,Often used in place of Donkey!Fatwood is the answer!It smells good when it's Not burning,It smells good when it's 1/2 burnt,It's easy to re-light,& It doesn't look like a stick of Dynamite!A little goes a Long way,& you can carry a little or alot,a Long way! Fatwood last's forever,Flares expire,& become hazardous with age,But if that is what you have with you,It will Suffice!