I work at a place that has a summer work program for kids. One of these kids, about 18 years old, had very wealthy parents who had given him a mint fire-engine red original 1964 Ford Mustang convertible. He came up to me one day and said, "Can you help me? My car has a flat tire?" I said, "Sure, no problem. Show me."

So he took me down to the parking ramp and, sure enough, one of his tires was flat as a pancake. I helped him find his jack, spare, etc and together we changed the tire.

As it was leaning there against the rear bumper, he nodded toward the flat tire and said in complete seriousness, "What do we do now? Throw it away?"

As my wife, who has been a teacher of gifted students for 40 years always says, "Common sense is the new Gifted."