OK..how about this?

i'm out in the wilds on my own for how knows how long,the food is getting really low and just fish is not making it.in real life this was a week into a two week solo canoe trip and i had more than enough to eat not to mention "fun food" like cookies and popcorn.but lets say i need to kill that deer--see it across the bay in the red circle--about 65 yards by Google map measure--
even over open sights with a 30-30 i would not want to stake my life on that shot..by the way this deer was really tame.it just browsed around while i sat and had lunch and took photos.so a air pistol?.shotgun? old surplus Enfield?..modern 280 with red dot sights?..sneak up on it after a six hour stalk and leap out of tree with a--name you favorite knife here--and cut it's throat??
ok i'm getting off track here but what do you think??