I guess what I was asking more or less was simply the difference between a Urban BOB and a Rural BOB and why would people consider they wouldn't need things say like fishing supplies just cause they are in a city or not near water when you may have to leave that area entirely blah blah blah so on so forth.

In my case, our BOB is designed for us to crash at a hotel, friend's house, or even an emergency shelter. I've taken the family (wife, two kids 4&7) primitive camping many times and because of that I feel bugging out to the woods is not an option. I know exactly what it takes to care for my family in the woods for four days and it's not something that can be stuffed into a BOB. If we're running it's to civilization, not away from it and so I pack accordingly.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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