Originally Posted By: Frisket
I Completely understand the immediate situation governing what your kit contains. I guess what I was asking more or less was simply the difference between a Urban BOB and a Rural BOB and why would people consider they wouldn't need things say like fishing supplies just cause they are in a city or not near water when you may have to leave that area entirely blah blah blah so on so forth.

Also there's plenty of lightweight single person tents out there that i would gladly carry with me if I was alone. I Consider a Bug out bag no matter the location the same as a Backpackers bag with some additions.

If you wouldn't mind Id love to know whats in your bag and how much it weights. I always enjoy looking at other peoples kits.

It's a good question. I've grappled with the same questions. When I entered the study of survival, I laid out a list of things for my bug out bag, and I have since refined the list a thousand times. I am still refining as my knowledge and training increases. Have you tried to do this? If you've looked at a lot of different products, then undoubtedly you've discovered that you must make compromises. If you haven't made major compromises, then sleep on it and come back here in 24 hours.

I think what some people are trying to say above is that in an urban environment, there will be particular material around such that you would not need certain things in your survival pack. As someone implied above (and I agree), shelter material is low priority for an urban bug out bag. What the heck is an urban bug out bag anyway, and does anybody here seriously walk around with one? What I mean is that for people traveling in an urban environment, there are major compromises one has to make. Walking around with a tent, even a small one, in an urban environment (walking around to business meetings, etc.) is super impractical for everybody that I know. I can imagine walking around with a small urban survival "kit" at the most.

No offense to anyone, but if you can't figure out how to make a shelter from material in an urban disaster zone, then you need to work more on your knowledge and training, and less on the stuff in your bag.

If you're reading this, it's too late.