Melanie Parkin, 34, lives on Concord Way at Fairmont, about a block northeast of where the pipeline ruptured. She was driving her 7-year-old daughter home from ballet and was about a half mile east of the neighborhood when she saw the fireball erupt.

"My first thought was that was where my house is," she said. "I just floored it and drove home as fast as I could."

When she pulled up in front of her house, the air was filled with hot ash and debris and the fire was roaring into the sky.

This quote is from this news article.

I just mention this as a thought exercise or discussion point. I really wonder how I would've reacted had I been in her shoes? Rationally, in hindsight, I'd say that she should've stayed away, especially with her child in the back seat. I'm assuming that she would've seen this huge fire roaring high into the sky from the ruptured gas line, too--another reason to stay away. Then again, her husband was at home, which would be a powerful reason for wanting to get to the house to see if he's all right.

Or turn the scenario around--what if she were driving to her daughter's ballet class and saw the fireball in her rearview mirror. Would I have kept going, away from the fire, or turned around to head back home as fast as possible? I have to admit that I think my instinct would be to turn around and go back home. Not necessarily to get anything in particular--it's just my gut reaction upon thinking about the scenario.