I like your gut reaction - be very sceptical when something is praised as "be all, end all" solutions. Sometimes I get the impression that certain pieces of gear (in particular, a knife of brand X or a PSK of brand Y) are in fact magical talismans that will solve all your wilderness mishaps: Just recite the S.T.O.P. acronym and the knife / PSK will solve the problem for you... there ain't no such thing.

Art_in_FL and Richlacal both nailed pretty good. Basically any mora has a basic, functional shape that is very good to work with, with a very good quality versus price relationship.

Mora make A LOT of cheap knives tailored for slightly different uses, mainly advertised as carpenters or handyman's knives, with different kinds of steel and edge angle. With some very specialized exceptions (carpet knife, hook knife), they're all pretty much the same basic shape. Some of the knives in the mora spectrum are well suited for general bushcraft. Others are not (wrong edge angle for wittling etc.)

They ain't pretty, though there is some inherit beauty in their simplicity. The sheat is usually downright ugly, but it is highly functional. And it is made to snap on a button on workman's clothes, not fit on a wide belt.