Prybars falls into the category of good to have on hand, being prepared to help yourself or others out from the rubble and collapsed structures. I live in PNW earthquake country, a couple hundred yards North of the Seattle Fault - if that lets loose and I survive, we'll have possibly an hour or less to get everyone out from under structures before fires, after shocks, injuries and collapse finish the job. So I have a few prybars of the common kind, one by my bed, one in my office, even one in my car, to pry open whatever door gets stuck - whatever brand you can buy at Ace Hardware. And I have a couple long 6 foot prybars, one in the corner of the garage, one in my back yard storage room, waiting next to a garbage can on wheels, full of 2x4 and 4x4 scrap lumber for cribbling and blocking. If I never have to use them, no worries - the 6 footers are $28 at Ace, the scrap lumber is scrap. Give me a lever and I'll move the world - 6 feet of leverage is better than 3, or 2.

I like to shop the local Ace Hardware - I have bought two of the 6 foot prybars, and have a feeling the next time I'm in they'll have restocked with another one, and I'll feel $28 burning a hole in my pocket. Although 2 should be enough. You can never have enough leverage...