You might want to consider some signaling tools like a signal mirror and whistle. A two-way radio may not be a bad thing to have, nor is a small flashlight.

Having a redundant fire starter like a ferro rod is good back up for if the matches and lighter fails. Some signal flares can serve double duty as a signal device as well as an "I am going into hypothermia and need a fire immediately" device.

I always carry some fatwood and some bicycle inner tube with me since my environment is often wet. I imagine yours is too. It really helps get a fire going when everything is wet.

Maybe one of those bivy bags that redflare sells. I have one in my pack when I am out and about as well as when I travel. I also carry a poncho and some cordage in the carry bag. Both take up very little room but give me emergency shelter. Each one can fit in a cargo pocket.

If you have room, a machete or axe and a folding saw is really handy. I would carry the folding saw, like the Bahco Laplander in a pocket or on-person pouch. I would also wrap the machete (I like machetes) with a wool blanket and tarp with the tarp inside the blanket. An if you want to go in comfort and style, a hammock, like the Travel Hammock takes up very little space, is super light, and can keep you off the wet ground.

Once you get your metal water bottle, you can clean more water with your ability to make fire and you can make expedient as well as a more appropriate shelter with your tools, then you can signal. And with your snacks, you should be able to comfortably await rescue. I am not too worried about having too much food in your scenario.

Oh, and keep as much of your survival gear as possible on your person. Most of the stuff I mentioned except for the machete/axe blanket wrap can be on you comfortably.

Anyway, just my two cents.