Susan - The dogs are coming up to the fence, and on some occasions leaning over or placing their paws on the fence and barking their heads off.

Mostlyharmless - I have no intention of getting closer then opposite sidewalk. I'll leave the boundary testing to someone more desirous of a Darwin Award. P.S. The dolphins say "thanks for all the fish"

Russ - I do stare at them. I'll try watching them out of the corner of my eye and see if that reduces their reaction.

Dagny - I have carried bear spray on both rural hike for bears and urban hikes for stray or anti-social dogs. There have been a couple of tense moments, but I've never had to use it. The capsaicin content is 1.8%, comparable to the Mace brand 10%OC.

I ran across a piece of equipment called a "bite stick" used by animal control officers. It's a rod or baton you offer the dog instead of your leg. When the dog bites it and pulls, you push the animal around like a recalcitrant mop. But, I haven't been able to find any videos or instructions about the nut's and bolts of using it.

For anybody who knows dog behavior - On the event that I can push the dog around, do I push it toward the yard it escaped from or away and out of it’s territory. Which one will cause it to break off it’s attack first?
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane