I get the same thing every morning I run. I run in the morning dark (usually) and right after getting up. The first 1/2 mile is the worst as my body is catching up to what my brain is telling it to do. After that first 1/2 mile, my body catches up to it. It is now simply a known fact and I just push through it knowing that as soon as I reach the park I will be in stride with my breathing settled down and then I can enjoy the next 4, 5, 10 miles whatever. Happens every time.

If you look at it as a necessary evil and simply accept it, knowing full well that it will be gone by the time I get to x place, it is much easier to get through it.

Believe it or not, it is easier for me to run this way rather than later in the day when I feel like I am dragging for most of the run.
