So I'm running about 5K 3 days a week now. Here's what's happening.

When I start jogging, in the first 8 minutes or so, I'm basically at "the wall" almost immediately after starting. It's a huge effort to get past that, after that I can go fine (slowly) for klicks and klicks - in fact, this AM, I stopped not because I was tired, but it was time to get home to get ready for work.

But those first minutes - oh man, it's hard to get through that. I admit that this morning I was almost about to give up on the run after only starting out. I just kept saying "make it to that tree....make it to that sign....make it to that house..." and finally a broke through and was just enjoying the scenery.

Are there any tricks to making the transition to pace better? I'd rather "hit the wall" later in the run rather than earlier.

Is is just a matter of doing it more and more until I get stronger at running?