During Rita I stayed in, I thought the chaos on the roads was worse than what the potential damage would be. I have practiced filling every container of water when a hurricane is coming in. Growing up out in the country meant power was more fickle. I have flushed toilets without running water more than once! Living in Houston has meant for me buying cooking fuel, lighting sources, and some no cook food for hurricane season. Ike left my neighbors without power for up to 3 weeks.

I love the idea about the cordless drills and charging them up. I almost purchased one of those portable power things yesterday, but I like the trash liner idea better. I have an ample supply of candles, some battery operated lights, and I have a couple of lights that are charged when you shake them.

Thanks for the many suggestions. Being a single woman, I assure you, most of my friends think I am nuts because I have been making a point to store food, and start preparations like I have. It is good to know there are others out there with similar thoughts.