Originally Posted By: StephanieM
I have been extremely interested in being prepared in case of a natural disaster for a long time. I have done some things like getting a water filtration system in place, I have a solar oven, a fair amount of stored food for a single person. I am fairly well equipped with tools, and camping supplies, and lived out in the country so I can garden, raise small animals and the like.

I currently live in the burbs in Houston. I am curious if you were me, what would you be doing to get ready. I feel that in case of a hurricane I would be able to make it a several weeks just fine, but I am thinking longer term.

Looking forward to your answers,

Hurricane country? Do you live in an apartment or house? The reason I ask is that you can make do as an emergency water source - your water heater. Apartment dwellers don't usually have direct access to theirs. You can drain the fluid as required but you may need to demineralize, filter, even boil the water to make it potable, but most of the time it should be OK. Most people think about filling the tub, which is fine if you know before hand that you are going to be without water.