on this Springs two week solo canoe trip one third of the meals were MH dinner in a bag.MRE meat packs and some sort of side another third or so and freeze dry chicken and rice or noodle sides another third.the freeze dry meals only advantage was that it's easy to make and called for just a couple cups of boiling water.there were times when after a hard day just boiling water and dumping it in a bag was a major effort.this was a vacation,if you think long days on stormy lakes and hard slogs into remote backwaters over nasty portages rates as a vacation.the point is that you may find yourself in a survival situation that is not far removed from that and a fast,easy on the fuel,meal could make things feel somewhat better.wet,lost,alone,hurt and heating water over a scrap of wood and dumping it in a bag and getting Orange Chicken could make you ready to face another day.cooking is for camp outs,not survival.