Those cops will never hear the end of it. The court jesters will be working overtime. Bet they've already been "issued" with useful items by their comrades ... a bag of police-issue breadcrumbs ... a sign that says "my name if Jim, I'm lost, please call my mommy" ... etc. etc.

2000 acres is a bit more than three square miles. Can you get turned around in three square miles? Sure. If it's night, with dense bush, lakes and creeks to dodge, and no visible navigation points (cell towers or buildings).

But perhaps the helicopter callout was a bit over the top.

There's an area used for survival training just outside our Rocky Mountain parks. Dense brush, boreal forest, lots of bogs/small lakes. Perfect place to get turned around if you're not paying attention. When the air force reserves lost a couple of new guys on a pace-and-compass exercise, did they call in a full-scale air search? Heck no. They just leaned on the horn of their transport, a six-wheel truck, at regular intervals. That gave the guys a sound beacon to home in on, and they made it out in a couple of hours.