One of these days police will be called to check out an office building where none of the people working there came home. Inside they find:
Four armed security guards who were conducting a realistic training exercise simulating heavily armed Arab radicals taking over an office building.

Five armed citizens who thought they were under attack by terrorists and each 'took action' to defend themselves on their own.

Two malcontents who, as the sound of shooting echoed, independently decided this was the time to act out their last stand fantasies.

Twelve people who seemed to have got caught in the cross-fire.

One goof who knew about the drill but figured he could play a joke on the armed bully who worked across the hall by stumbling into his office with his shirt streaked with catchup and staging a death scene and ranting about how the Muslims were after him times to coincide with the guards wearing turbans and fake beards storming into the room firing blanks.