its not a full tutorial at this point, but it will point those with basic knowledge in the right direction!

I will make a vid on the beads at some point, its basically a two strand diamond knot followed trough w/ the accent color for the fixed knots; then the beads are turks heads w/ inner strands removed. They have to be just right on tightness, and clean cut and burned so they look good and don't come apart. I use the pliers on my leatherman to do all the work, pulling etc. they give a great grip, yet don't pull/fray the paracord (usually ;)) The handle wrap is a 3-turn (or 3-bight) long turks head. Download gibson's book of knots and splices from scribd; there is a section on turks heads where "pegs" are used to do long turks heads; rather than nail in a "peg", I use paper clips (see pics); the top knot on my hatchet was done using the "former" method from the book with a little peg board I made:

These are very hard to do a video for, because they just take so much practice and time to get right; you kinda gotta read the material and try them out.