I'm with haertig, too. And I wouldn't wait for a shot to be fired, either. That first shot could be into someone's head, and considering my somewhat abrasive personality, it might be mine.

As soon as someone threatens me or mine with a weapon, the Marquess of Queensberry Rules are off, and I'm going after them with everything I've got or can grab. You have to be really, really good to play the game with a different set of rules than your attacker. Kind of stupid, too.

My plan, such as it is, is to appear quiet and timid, seem to acquiesce to initial commands, and the minute they are distracted, to attack them. I'm perfectly fine with kicking knees (stomp-kick, not ballet-pointy-toe kick), kicking ribs hard enough to do some damage once they're down, stomping on a throat, and doing some serious injury to Junior and the Twins. Then I would get really serious and bash their head in.

Like the cops in L.A. used to tell my friend who worked with them: "Make sure there's only one story to tell."

And the NEXT person I would go after would be the SO-CALLED 'man' who ran off 'to get help'. But I would probably attempt to be a little more... ah... circumspect about that.
