I'm fairly certain such an encyclopedia doesn't exist yet.
I can't make specific book recommendations as word of mouth is usually how my family did it, and they traded furniture/tobacco/grapes/melons... and occasional angled fish, for soap smile

The word of mouth these days is to contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for recommendations, like say California Master Gardener Handbook

anyway, here is some mighty interesting and thought provoking free reading material I stumbled upon over the last year, for all scales , even some cool fringe

Sustainable Village Library
Village Science
Date Palm Cultivation
Sheep and goats for diverse products and profits
Livestock in Mixed Farming Systems of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas
A manual for the primary animal health care worker
The rabbit husbandry, health and production
Management of Waste from Animal Product Processing
Compendium on Post-harvest Operations
The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries
How can micro-farming possibly be as productive as claimed?
Food Security for the Future: individual prosperity, ecological salvation, endangered species rescue, conservation biology ~ they are all related.
Realities of Micro Farming
Lion Kuntz Step Pyramid farm city city idea
The First Book of Farming
Black Soldier Fly, White Magic
Engineering, Separation and Recycling LLC On how to recycle food waste, manure and even human waste
Soap for the long run?
Moringa oleifera
Plastic Sheeting - A guide to the specification and use of plastic sheeting in humanitarian relief
Join The Hunt for Bees! grow some sunflowers, count bees, report
USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, 2009 revision

this stuff my grandparents didn't even dream off (all dreams are about peppers, tomatos , melons *rimshot* and cheese :D)
Khan Academy 1400+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance
http://www.bioenergylists.org/ for all kinds burning inventions

I dream of casting a giant pressure canner from soda cans, and powering it using an institutional rocket stove, and housing it sandbag shelter ...
sweet high pressure pyro dreams smile