If we are going to wallow in rumor, worse-case fantasies based on nothing, conspiracies, and crack nightmares we might as well go all the way. At least when you go far enough out there it gets entertaining.

This articles has interesting stuff from the guy who brought you alien bases on the moon. There is even a variation that has Gestapo agents from WW2 Germany in leather trench coats in cahoots with the aliens on the moon. And what fever dream is complete without a Gestapo agent with a bad accent and a limp. So I'll take my alien moon bases with dueling scars and black leather, thank-you very much.

Hard to beat that whopper.

But the present story he is promoting isn't bad, in a pedestrian but workmanlike way, for wild creativity. This story has huge gas bubbles that will smother everyone near the coast, then explode in sheets of flame, and send a huge tsunami toward Florida at "600 miles per hour". This would be pure high-test crazy a few years ago but a few recent films have upped the ante so everyone has to kick their game up a few notches. Still, not a bad first attempt.

Not to be outdone another guy fantasizes about a similar, but more toxic, steam driven tsunami rushing 200 miles inland creating a toxic dead zone. Steam is so 'last century'. The first story had toxic gas, fire and floods so it is clearly superior.

Then again if the second guy could have the ginormous steam explosion break loose a fault or two and have both the Yellowstone and Tennessee super-volcanoes erupt he would have a spectacle of imaginary doomsmanship worthy of Cecil B. DeMille. Haven't these guys learned that with such stories you can't lack courage and pull back. You have to 'go big'.
