I guess the real question is: What is your manageable BOB weight? Are you 6'1 and 210 lbs or 5'8" and 160 lbs?
Are you looking at urban, suburban or rural Bug Outs?
Is this something you would use for less than 2 days to get to a cache/safe area or long term?
Is this a solo BOB or family items included for kids?

If it's just a weight issue, then you can certainly drop about 30% of your gear weight just by upgrading or multitasking gear. Zero comfort. And knowing the terrain, obstacles, hazards. You may not need to carry as much water in NC as I do in AZ, for example.

I EDC 24/7 so my base pack weight for a trail run is a pound or two heavier than others in my group, but I don't consider them UL compared to me. Conversely, my base weight for long day hikes or overnights is 50% less than those same people.
Don't just survive. Thrive.