I disagree on swapping out the wool blanket for a sleeping bag.I grew up in western Illinois(Quincy-Hannibal area)and know the weather extremes there.The temperature in that area can shift 20 to thirty degrees as the sun sets.In Illinois spring time is/can be hot,wet and rainy.In the summer it is hot and humid.In my opinion a wool blanket is prefered over a mummy bag.Wool blankets are a multi use item that can keep you warm even when wet.It can be worn as a coat used as a stretcher or wrapped up to sleep in.The blanket could even be the BOB as a Hudson Bay style pack.
I'll second on any bug protection in the Mississippi river valley.Head nets,Deet,Permitherene are a must.The skeeters and chiggers are "killer" there.If they don't suck you dry you'll go mad from the itch.Powdered sulfer is a good thing to keep chiggers away.Put it in a sock and "dust" around waist bands cuffs and boot tops and they will stay away.
