One should certainly consider the risks to those deprived of power, but remember that the grid supply is unlikely to be very reliable in a rural area, and probably fails several times a year anyway.
The risk to life by having 4 power cuts in a year when otherwise there would have been 3 is unlikely to be significant.
Rural grid lines carried on wood poles are only for small communities, such a line would not normaly serve a hopsital or large factory.

So would you use the same justification when someone starts a wildland fire to attract attention, resulting in the loss of someone’s home? After all the person lives in a high risk area and should have been prepared for a naturally started wildland fire and should have taken precautions to protect their home from fire. It is only an inconvenience, as they can certainly rebuild with the insurance money.

The arrogance and supremacy attitude is almost nauseating. Someone goes hiking, gets lost and we (the generic we) are ready to attack and crucify the individual for getting lost and requiring rescue, but someone takes what might be at minimum a significant event in the lives of those affected by the power outage and at worst the possible loss of someone’s life and we seek to justify the individual’s actions. I just don’t get it. Have we become such a selfish society where self-preservation takes precedent over the lives of others?

Just my 2 cents-