Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor
This thread has cost me -- ordered the Lodge 17" skillet (from Amazon because of the free shipping).

It has cost me as well, I've ordered some of the smaller Lodge Logic pieces as well, including a couple of Mini, 12.7 cm Lodge Wonder Square Skillets (looks perfect to prepare individual Toad in the holes), a 26.5cm Lodge Round Skillet with Handle and a 10 1/2 Inch Diameter Lodge Logic Round Griddle (perfect to prepare drop scones, Girdle bread and pancakes etc on the stove). I might also get a couple of the smaller skillets as well for some individual yorkshire puddings.

LOL - the American cast iron industry is getting a boost!

One of my favorite Lodge acquisitions has been their wok. I've been an avid stir fryer since growing up with a mom who got her first wok (steel) 40 years ago.

Love the way Lodge's cast iron wok works on chicken.

I also have all Lodge's small serving items and tiny skillets. They can be very useful, especially when cooking for one or two.

Think I may have sausage and eggs for dinner -- which will further season my 12" skillet.

Well-used cast iron is like a well-used, well-oiled baseball glove. But will last a lot longer.