I hope I can say this without running for my nomex suit. BSA is a business. They are in existence to make money. And although they are not a legal monopoly, they are pretty much the only show in town and they know it. With that said, I do realize that there are terrific people who work and volunteer at the local level. I also acknowledge that a lot of boys have benefited greatly from joining the organization. Sadly though, the BSA has changed its focus somewhere along the way from what Mr. Baden-Powell envisioned. My family hasn't been involved in scouting for twenty years but I can still remember the pressures placed on kids to buy complete uniforms in order to make their pack or troop "look good". That drove away at least a couple of disadvantaged kids. I also remember the selling point of how the BSA owned their own camps which was a benefit for all members. Those camps (around here at least) have all been sold off to developers. Sorry for the rant but this is a hot spot for me. I guess what I am trying to say is that you shouldn't count on BSA to keep your best interests in mind.
