Details. Details. Ummm. I used a newer pack for me, the Lafuma Cinetik 11 pro pack. Because I am doing longer unsupported runs and dayhikes I want a pack that carry's more space than the typical Camelbak MULE, which I have mostly used for a decade. (A gear guy never commits to just one pack). I weighed the pack before leaving and fully loaded it was 9.62 lbs.

I carried ~70 oz of water in a reservoir, plus a 16oz water bottle with various carbo mixes (Gatorade, Heed, OJ). I never ran out of water but it got hot quick in the pack which made me desire ice at every stop.

Food. Confession. My plan was to purposefully use junk food and stuff I don't normally eat. I do this in long training b/c its the only way to test my body for 'race' day. For example, if all you train with is vanilla gu and all they have on the race course is double latte gel, you better be used to eating it if its the only calories you can get. So I ate snickers bars. Regular Coke, pop tarts. Sunflower seeds. I also ate various new gels for flavor samplings. I grabbed a turkey and cheese sandwich at a gas station. banana. Nuts. OJ. Perrier. (I love seltzer water). Digestion was great and had no problems. Because I was trying so many new foods while under training conditions, i did not combine sugars in my stomach. Meaning, I did not eat a new gel, washed down with a new carbo drink. I usually waited 20 minutes between food types for digestive purposes.

I carried a 65 lumen Black Diamond Spot headlamp.
I had a bright red blinking LED for the back of my pack.
I had my SPOT2 which worked great for real time tracking. One friend text me and asked why I hadn't moved in a while. I was airing out my feet for the first time in 10 hours.
I had a slightly modified AMK Ultralight med kit.
Battery charger for my iphone, worked great.
Endurolyte tablets (electrolyte replacement)
I had two Buffs and one bandanna.
I had my camera. Took a few minutes of video every couple hours.
Vaseline lip balm. Mandatory EDC for the desert as a friction barrier.
My Polar heart rate monitor that also figures pace and distance.
UL toilet kit. (Dog park bag and 1oz of baby wipes)

There was probably one or two other small items I carried with me that I am forgetting.

I have a foam roller. I use it for my back, neck, calves, hamstrings. I also own "The Stick" (rolling pin) for stretching muscles. I have never had an IT problem before so did not focus on that area. Got a massage tonight which has helped.

Don't just survive. Thrive.