I though the clip, and the technique itself, performed by machine or human, has interesting. I'm not entirely thrilled with the idea of teenagers trying this anywhere near me or my vehicle.

I think everyone understands it is a stunt designed to attract attention to autonomous vehicle technology and to have a little fun testing the limits of what their project vehicle can do.

But it isn't like it hasn't been done before. This is really just a 'bootleggers turn' to a stop. I've done the turn but couldn't do the parking. Wouldn't want to try.

I just dread the idea that one day I will hear that sickening crumpling metal sound of a crash, look out, and see that some kid blew the timing on the execution and took out the front of my truck.

Then the hard part ... facing some drunk/stoned kid who climbs out of his wrecked vehicle and tells me: Dude ... I just so totally had to go for it ... you understand .... right? Whereupon I feel a certain tightness behind the eyes .... and totally lose my s**t. After that it is a blur of blood, a wave of sheriffs deputies, sirens, and wide-eyed inmates staring and whispering among themselves '... and he did what to the kid !?! ... Is that even possible?'