Hello everyone,

It has been more than a month now, just wanted to step in and give you some feedback.

First off, Nicodemus, I did get a 5 % temporary raise, better than nothing, but the truth is I was not going to do it for the pay raise, but for the experience I would gain.

Things are going pretty smoothly! I kept going for lunch with people as I used to do and I did not notice any changes at all.

I know that management are looking to fill in my position, but I knew that from the beginning anyways. I am getting positive feedback from my manager, co-workers seem content... Sounds like I am off for a very good start.

At first, I was a bit surprised that my manager didn't have/make time to meet me more regularly to talk about projects and different issues, however I chose not to take it too personal since I now realize he IS very busy and has his share of things to deal with.

I get along with my co-managers as well, this doesn't come as a
surprise, but still, i'm happy about that.

As for the "people management" aspect of the position, I can't say i'm too crazy about it since we have our share of slackers and poor performing people, which irritates the better, more competent employees. I'm taking it one step at a time, and I have full support from my manager to discuss about these more sensitive aspects that are more difficult to take care of.

To sum it up, I think it's going to be a very positive experience overall, and nice to add to my resume.

Oh, and THANK YOU to every one of you that took some of your time to reply to my original post, I printed the thread out and read everyone of you very carefully. I sincerely appreciate it!

"The only easy day was yesterday."