Originally Posted By: hikermor
Wait! Wait! It's not glacial melting! It's not plate tectonics! It is women wearing skirts that are too short! - newspaper stories quoting a religious leader. I read it in the LA Times, so it must be true.....

As I understand it the LA Times was referencing the claims by a Iranian Mullah that earthquakes were a result of women dressing in an immodest manner. Lots of that going on here and it is only going to get worse. With temperatures in the mid-80s and climbing here in Florida, and the general predilection toward shucking our clothes, everyone might want to avoid unreinforced buildings, weak overhangs, and maintain a tight grip on something solid. If true we will be rockin and rollin all summer long. Which typically lasts into October but has been known to stretch into early December.

Oddly the effect seems uneven. California, a center of bared flesh, is known for its earthquakes. Whereas Florida, with our own streak of hard-core immodesty and outright nudity, doesn't get so many. On the other hand, Iran, with its heavily cloistered and cocooned women, where a bared ankle or neck can get you jailed, has got more than its fair share of temblors. Go figure.