Every wild speculation starts with some basis in fact. The idea that there are some correct facts is irrelevant. The point is not what facts are correct. Its about the conclusion. Whenever you get to the conclusion, there is no corroboration or ability to provide independent verification. This means its rubbish.

Thats why "conspiracy theorists" get such a hard time. Certainly there are probably some conspiracies out there. But conspiracy theorists routinely have to make huge leaps of faith from a set of known facts to an "implausible conclusion". Just like this article.

In 15 years people will be saying that the stem rust (ug99) was a hoax. And that any modified grains made to combat it are going to cause an ecological nightmare. And they will blame Monsanto. Just wait wink

Monsanto does a lot of bad things on the road to running their business. They aren't unique. So do a lot of other companies.
You can't teach experience.