Wonderful job!

My best friend's son-in-law is a psychiatrist. Shrinks go through regular medical school and then go for their specialty. My friend once asked him why he didn't just do regular medicine, and his response was, "I don't like to get my hands dirty". I guess there's a difference between 'able' and 'willing'.

Which airline was it? Maybe you'll get a little something in the mail when the report gets to management.

Rule #4 (Mom's Rule): Never pass up a reasonable chance to use the restroom (just in case you're the victim).

You would think the airline crews would be trained better than that. All my RR crews are trained in First Aid. When a man jumped off a train and fell under it, cutting his legs off, my guys (before they were 'my' guys) saw him as they passed and stopped the train and went to his aid.

And no, body parts cut off by RR wheels can't be reattached.
