Originally Posted By: paramedicpete
Compounds that successful go through the phase 1 trails are then expanded to other Cancer Clinical Centers. Many successful treatments have been developed by this process and are now used worldwide.

Under the current system, I think some NIH/NCI and academia combo is the only alternative for a true cancer cure. At least to get the discovery of the substance "out there" with enough clout and respectability backing it to generate interest for further development (Remember the public outcry for anti-retrovirals in the early years of the AIDS outbreak even though the treatments were still totally experimental?) (Actually, I'm not even sure what I mean by a "cure" when I use the word, which muddies the waters. Testicular cancer responds well to chemo, but that's not a common cancer. I guess I'm thinking of something like taking a course of antibiotics when you first get a cancer diagnosis and that takes care of your cancer and you don't have to do anything else. Cancer is just not a big deal anymore).

Obviously, I'm painting the whole pharma or even cancer treatment industry in very broad brush strokes, something which tends to annoy me when other people do the same thing, so I guess I'm actually annoying myself now, LOL. Maybe I'm just in a very pessimistic mood about how the primacy of the almighty dollar has really taken center stage and really screwed us all over in so many facets of our society. But you read things like this new SEC civil suit against Goldman Sachs and what they were doing--it just reminds me not to put anything past the moral sensibilities big corporations anymore. And money comes into play at NIH or academia, too, of course. I hope the Ivory Tower can withstand the siege.

What were we talking about again? Ah yes, Fenugreek!