Sometimes our govt makes ridiculous rules that just make no sense. Okay, if they consider a single wheeled cart a mechanical device that is too damaging on the environment, then how about we just use a sled or a travois instead, and we can then drag our load through the wilderness. Since neither are a mechanical device, they should be just fine for trail use. Now, how much damage would two poles ploughing the trail do?

I really wonder where these people get these ideas. I can understand their motivation, but not their reasoning. Then again, the US F&W declared a local Arid Lands Ecology zone off limits to all hunting, even though a herd of about 800 elk live on it. To avoid overpopulation, once a year the dept sends a dozen agents up into the ALE in 4wd vehicles and helicopters to "cull the herd" for a week or more. Gee, those must be some special vehicles they use that leave no tracks in those delicate environmental areas. Oh yeah, and what do they do with the "culled" animals? Well, they leave some for the scavengers and give the rest to the local native american tribes to do with as they wish. Yep, your tax dollars going to pay for USF&W officers to hunt elk and on public lands and provide the tribes with free meat.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)