I am not sure about the scalpel blade.
I do have a couple of ideas though.

I think the big reason is the foil packaging and that it is very small. Any single edge blades I ran across were only protected by a cardboard folded around them or came in plastic boxes. They soon worked loose from the card and then I had a loose razor blade on me, and the plastic cases were too bulky.
The scalpel blades stayed safe in the package.

Another point is I can get scalpel blades in high grade stainless steel, which means they don't rust like the razor blades I tried did. Rust is one of the reasons that exacto blades don't work well in a survival kit either.

About utility I tend to agree with the comment that they are awkward.
I found the best improvised handles were plastic. If you heat the plastic up until it is melting and press the scalpel blade into it you can get a fairly solid connection.
Toothbrush handles or even a plastic pen will work.
(I really do not expect to be doing surgery or cutting down trees with them.)

I only have #11 scalpel blades in my FAK, and the only reason they are there is for lancing boils, digging out splinters, and stuff like that.

May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.