Originally Posted By: nurit
Consider adding a whistle and earplugs. For me these are essential urban EDC in case I get trapped in an elevator or collapsed building.

I do carry earplugs. A whistle is a great idea, I'll add one (my standard whistle is the Fox 40 Micro).

Originally Posted By: Teslinhiker
You did not secifiy how far you have to take the train. Is your planning to take into account a walk home? If so a paper map (to compliment presumably Google maps on your iPhone) would be very handy as you may be forced to depart the train in an unfamliar area. For example, one of the commuter trains near here spans a distance of 65 km (40 miles). If I ever had reason to take the train and was forced to get off it due to xyw crisis then had to walk home, even 1/2 the distance, a local map would show many more otional routes that would not be as apparent when you are driving.

It's roughly 40 miles. I know the streets between work and home intimately and I'm confident that I can navigate home successfully on foot without a map. The only maps that are really good for this area are too bulky to carry, so unless I find one that's small enough but still has sufficient detail to be worthwhile, I will probably have to skip this one.

Originally Posted By: Teslinhiker
I would also add some cash in small currency and perhaps also a local phone company caling card as it is quite common for cell networks to be overlaoded during a crisis.

There are very few payphones around here. If the cell network goes down or is overloaded, finding a payphone may not be possible. On the other hand, it's a small investment in money, space and weight.

Originally Posted By: Teslinhiker
Finally add a small 1/2 roll of TP in a ziploc bag or a travelers pack of baby wipes as you never know when you will need it...

This is a very fine idea.

Originally Posted By: Lono
Commuting by train implies distance - you have dress shoes, can you cache a sturdier walking shoe at your place of business, or are you comfortable walking the entire distance in these dress shoes? I have some Rockport Dressports, I travel and often walk many miles in cities with them, they're comfortable and I am confident that they would get me home from most distances.

I could do it if I had to in terms of comfort...unless there's more than an inch of snow on the ground. It's not yet clear to me if I'll be able to cache boots at the office.

Originally Posted By: Lono
Like Teslinhiker said, you don't specify how far you are from home - and why do you need to get there; is there a child in daycare, a wife expecting you every night at 6? Home is nice, but if you are really distant you may need to face up to the fact that you won't be getting home right away, or even for a few days. On the one hand you can walk all day for a day or two, or you might have a prearranged plan for your child or wife, someone to care for them, and make it home as soon as you can.

My wife stays at home, so the reasons to get home in the event of a major disaster would be to get to where more guns and ammo are, as well as more gear and stored food. Not to mention getting away from the urban center full of unprepared people. If it took a day or two, that wouldn't necessarily be a big deal.

Originally Posted By: Lono
Think situationally for a minute - if something rules out travel by train or hitching a ride with a co-worker, where would you go, would you go all the way home, stay at work, or someplace else? Make a plan - if your train commute is disrupted - and try to make it flexible enough to cover whatever it is you may experience: winter storms, earthquakes, floods etc, whatever happens whereever you live. I am either thousands of miles from home, or within about 7 miles most of the time, but a few times I can be 20+ miles from home, and I need a plan to be on my own in the event of a disaster, especially if an earthquake takes out one of our floating bridges. Think about it, you may have a friend or relative who lives reasonably close to your place of work, where you can crash and wait things out; or find out if your new co-workers live nearby, and cultivate those relationships :-) Or for garden variety disruptions, booking a room at a nearby hotel/motel while waiting for things to get back to normal can be a welcome change.

If credit cards and/or cash work I can always take a taxi or rent a room. If those aren't feasible I'd be looking into holing up at the office or crash at a friend's house. I'd hoof it home if that seemed like the best choice, but I'd sure rather not. During warmer months if I could cache a bike at work that would make things a lot easier.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
My first impression is that you are carrying more than you need in some categories. If you have the Wave, I think you can dispense with the folder and the Squirt, and you won't necessarily even require the screwdriver.

The folder is on my person at all times along with the Squirt. The Wave lives in my laptop bag. The screwdriver is used for work, so that has to stay. I guess I could get rid of the Squirt, but I often find it handy to have tools with me that don't require a trip back to the laptop bag.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
I EDC the same model Wave that you specify, BTW. Same with flashlights - two should be plenty.

You would think so, wouldn't you :-). The two AAA lights are small and light, the other two are "mandatory" in my mind. I do have a spare AA cell for the 9290, but no spare cell closer than my car or home for the Quark 123.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
Consider carrying an extra battery for the ones you pick, or better yet, see that they share a common battery type. (but I can tell by your outfit that you are a flashoholic....)If you are a flashoholic, you will readily agree that a small headlamp could be extremely versatile and handy as one of your two sources of light.

I could get another Prism to keep in my laptop bag for the Quark. That's a good idea.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
I would add an auxiliary cash stash, totally separate from your wallet. Perhaps pack a throwdown wallet for those really bad situations.

Another good idea.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
I would also definitely add some kind of keychain whistle. Does you FAK include some kind of barrier gloves (e.g., nitrile?) They could be very handy.

No, but that's an easy fix.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
Can you walk comfortably in your dress shoes? for longer than expected distances? over debris and uneven ground? Consider switching out the dress shoes for something more practical when you leave your office for the commute. I have had to deal with this problem for years and it ain't easy...

This in my mind is the weakest part of my equipment. My dress shoes are sturdy and comfortable, but if I had something better I'd be happier. It's possible that I'll be able to wear boots on the move and stash my dress shoes at the office; I'll find out after I start the job.

Originally Posted By: hikermor
The Banana Bread Clif bars are the best,IMO. Best to do some controlled taste testing.

I can't stand banana in any form. Clif bars have been the primary food item in my car and laptop bag for years, so I buy in bulk and I know what flavors I like. With that said, I completely agree with your advice for a controlled taste test.

Originally Posted By: barbakane
I would add a bandana, possibly a small compass to augment the map...just in case.

Great ideas.

Originally Posted By: philip
What will you do with cable ties?

Wrap up cables :-). While I can think of survival uses for them, I carry them for work.

Originally Posted By: philip
What do the wave and the squirt together add that you couldn't do otherwise?

Explained above.

Originally Posted By: philip
Four flashlights? How long is it dark in your winter on the train?

I figure there's one to lend to a customer (or coworker, or fellow passenger), one to break, and the E01 serves as the best battery carrier I have for the iTP.

Originally Posted By: philip
What do you plan on lighting with the lighter?

Good question. In this area if I'm starting a fire for warmth instead of finding somewhere to be inside, I'm probably screwed. It just seems wrong to not have any source of fire with me.

Originally Posted By: philip
How will you use the blank CD-ROMs in an emergency?

Signal mirror? Barter for other supplies? Burn music for someone's old Walkman from my laptop? They're mostly for work.

Originally Posted By: philip
What do you wear to work? Suit? Casual? Would a photographer's vest look out of place?

Button-down shirts and slacks with my dress shoes. A photographer's vest wouldn't work for me, sadly.

Originally Posted By: philip
I'd recommend either a dust mask or a good bandanna. I'd recommend a pair of leather work gloves - train wrecks can leave broken glass and sharp metal edges around.

Good ideas, both. I'll have gloves with me during colder months, but I'll make sure that I have them all the time.

Originally Posted By: philip
A glowstick or other light you can leave behind if there are trapped people you want to give some solace to and light the way for rescuers.

That's another good use for the E01.

Thank you all for the excellent advice! I've got some things to get for my bag.