You did not secifiy how far you have to take the train. Is your planning to take into account a walk home? If so a paper map (to compliment presumably Google maps on your iPhone) would be very handy as you may be forced to depart the train in an unfamliar area. For example, one of the commuter trains near here spans a distance of 65 km (40 miles). If I ever had reason to take the train and was forced to get off it due to xyw crisis then had to walk home, even 1/2 the distance, a local map would show many more otional routes that would not be as apparent when you are driving.

I would also add some cash in small currency and perhaps also a local phone company caling card as it is quite common for cell networks to be overlaoded during a crisis.

Finally add a small 1/2 roll of TP in a ziploc bag or a travelers pack of baby wipes as you never know when you will need it...
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock