Art_in_FL phrased it beautiful how a mindset fixed at completing THE PLAN can kill you. I find myself pondering if his lack of flexibility was induced by his life situation, using his newly interest of outdoor survival skill as a test of character - and as a means to rebuild his character, his life and his self respect. His dedication to this project does seem almost pathological. But that is as far as I am willing to go as to speculate about what was going on in his mind.

In times of stress and less than optimal conditions (low blood sugar, little sleep, my kids are crying and so on) I personally find some tendencies to inflexibility and going into STICK-TO-THE-PLAN-mode. Sometimes this plan is less than optimal, and I try to spot these situations and ease off a little.

You need to monitor the balance between flexibility and determination. Sometimes you just have to muster the iron will to complete the chosen solution (and even a less than optimal one - whatever works, as long as you do it, and do it NOW!). Other times you need to open your mind to the world around you and let the obvious solution present itself. (Such as - go back where I come from, which is surprisingly hard for the average male. Yes, including me.) Which is exactly why the S.T.O.P. acronym was invented.