Coincidentally, I just received the new Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue. They proclaim this one below to be "The Best Electric Knive Sharpener."

I seem to recall that electric can openers used to have knife sharpeners on the back. I like my old-fashioned diamond sharpener that I can also take camping.

The Best Electric Knife Sharpener.

This electric knife sharpener earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because it recorded a perfect score for sharpening ability and was the only model that also sharpened kitchen sheers. The Best model uses a patented sharpening process that combines the sharpness of a hollow ground edge with the durability of a flat ground edge. The Best model ground edges that sliced through a tomato's firm skin on the first pass and chopped through spaghetti squash with minimal force, while lesser sharpeners created edges that cut ragged slices of vegetables and could not penetrate squash. Unlike other models, The Best Electric Knife Sharpener created edges that retained their sharpness even after repeated strikes on a cutting board. The Best Electric Sharpener has two slots--one with interlocking diamond-coated wheels that restore the original factory sharpness of any blade and a finishing slot that allows you to manually polish a freshly ground edge or sharpen serrated blades. Plugs into AC. 9 1/2" L x 7" W x 4 1/2" D. (4 3/4 lbs.)
