
So, I keep my basic gear in a lightly modded Tactical Tailor chest harness. Right now, I'm experimenting with a configuration built around four nalgene carriers and a pair of SAW ammo pouches. The initial plan was to put my FAK in one of the water bottle carriers, and I've been looking for a hard carrier that I can put in there. First thought, duh, is a Nalgene, but it is too deep and the mouth isn't as wide as the body, so that will make it cumbersome. Second, make something out of PVC- heavy, expensive, not very space efficient. Third thought is the Gear Pod carriers I asked about a while back- expensive, but lighter and more efficient than rolling my own from PVC.

Then ZS had a small kit contest, and someone showed us an emptied Gatoraid powder container. WE HAVE A WINNER!

A little bigger around than a Nalgene, the widest part as wide as an Olicamp cup. Bah, ok, that hope is down, but for about four bucks can I be too picky?And I haven't checked to see if it will slide into a coffee can, so...

As we can see, there is narrowing of mouth ID and bottle ID, so nothing gets caught up. And I can put my hand in it, which is a plus.

OK, contents:
2 packages, each containing 2x 2-packs of J&J Nugauze 4x4 dressings. (my preferred gauze)
1 oldstyle USGI dressing
prep razor and a pair of tweezers
10 butterflies
2 pairs nitrile gloves
4" roller gauze (Curad- I'm on a budget and Kerlix is hard to find around here)
bandaids (6x 3x1, 2 knuckle, 2 fingertip)
small tube carmex
2x alcohal prep pads
2x iodine prep pads

I have a very little bit more room in there, not sure if I want to pack this tight or not.

That pharmacopia:
8 psuedoephedrine, the only thing that can clear up my sinuses
6 benadryl, for reactions to too many black fly bites, lots of latex, and some other things
12 asprin
2x12 tylenol (what is the shelf life of tylenol?)
1 packet triple antibiotic
2x20 immodium
9 tums

Hmm.. I'm thinking I don't need that much immodium, I might pull one of them and put in 12 motrin. Actually, I might pull one of the tylenol packets, to.

Opinions? As you can see fromthe comparison, the pouch isn't filled by the jar. For the time being, I'm keeping my sun block, a couple hand warmers and hand sanitizer in the same pouch, over the top of this, with the hand warmers coming out in summer for bug spray.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.