Originally Posted By: Arney
Besides the excellent suggestion to use a good quality rechargeable NiMH like the Sanyo Eneloop, another option would be lithium AA's, like the Energizer e2. High performance, long shelf life. Can be expensive if you buy them at the drug store, but much more reasonable if purchased online.

Actually, so far, I'm totally fine just using alkaline AA's and just making sure I remove the batteries in between uses. That one thing could be all you need to do.

Good luck!

Consumers Reports recently (December , 2009, I believe) did controlled testing of lithium, rechargeable, and alkaline batteries in cameras. The results were that, on a per picture basis, lithiums were cheaper to use than all but one brand of alkalines. Rechargeable Eneloops were cheaper still. The exception were Costco alkaline AA (Kirkland) bought at 11 cents per battery.

I would much prefer to use lithium or rechargeable units, and have the ability to leave the batteries in the camera, ready for quick use. No way am I putting alkaline batteries in anything of any real value to me.
Geezer in Chief