It was replayed last night. Was surfing around and stumbled across it. Missed the first bit but what I saw was terriffic.

Uncle Ted had no mercy for these "numb-nuts". He randomly votes them off at his whim. He allows his 10 yr old son to drop eggs on their heads while they are sleeping. He wakes then at 6am by playing star spangled banner on his guitar while standing on a flat bed truck filled with speakers. He chases them on horseback while shooting at them with a paint ball gun in one challenge.

They all agreed to this in the hopes of winning $25,000 and a new pickup truck. In typical reality show fashion, they picked contests with no back bone, who are whiney and under motivated. They are best at bickering, swearing, and flashing a lot of skin.

As challenges Ted has them skin and process a boar, collect 4 duck decoys from a muddy swamp, chase half a dozen geese from his swimming pool, and build their own latrine.

The latrine was amazing. He provided them with half dozen sheets of plywood, some 2x4's, a toilet seat, hammers, screw guns, shovel and hand saw. They had to come up with a design and assemble. Basically they leaned the plywood against each other like a house of cards.

He put them up in a 3 sided barn filled with straw. He provided them cots and one army blanket each. There was a pile of firewood 6 feet high and 10 feet around. They had a fire but allowed it to burn out. They slept on the cots with a single blanket and complained that it was cold. Not one of them thought to use the barn full of straw as insulation. Before they were left alone for the night, the ranch hand recommended they take shifts to keep the fire going. Nope, they all slept.

Here is a link to the show schedule so you can catch it

Edited by Resqman (10/08/03 06:36 PM)