Originally Posted By: EchoingLaugh
Originally Posted By: rebwa

I always carry Gas-X in the event of suspected bloat. My vet recommends it to potentially buy you a little extra time on the way to emergency.

we use Infant gas relief, or simethicone.

Another thing that comes in handy, and I could see a use for in a survival situation, Rescue Remedy . It calms dogs. I have used it infrequently, but to great success.

standard, no kickbacks or affiliations.

I've never had a need to use Rescue Remedy on my Dobes but it sure worked on a Lab that I inherited who hated the neighbors fireworks as well as thunder storms. With the rescue remedy he would at least settle while in the house. Thought about trying it myself when my female Dobe was about 8 months old!

Back to what we keep on hand for our dogs, I'm linking this product, only because I can buy it locally, there are several comparable 'canine sports drinks' out there. http://www.k9power.com/k9_godog.php It's good to use when it's hot and they are doing an activity or if they have an upset stomach to help prevent dehydration. You can use Gatorade in a pinch but the sugar isn't all that good for them. Much better to use something actually made for dogs.