Welcome to the Fire and Semper Fi!!!

I totally agree with Susan's advice and Blast's Book has been an invaluable asset (Guidance) for my wife since I am also gone from home a great deal. We are also a military family that are now retired.

Possible problems to look for and at, IMO, are:

Natural - Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Winter Storms, Volcanoes, Tsunami, etc. Look at how probable these are likely to occur in your area and then you can start figuring out ways to mitigate the effects such an occurrance would have on you and your family.

Manmade - Any highways, railroads, or navigable rivers near you? If commercial traffic comes near your home, then Hazardous Cargoes are using those routes and a HazMat Incident could occur that would force a quick evacuation. The possibility of a terrorist incident, a nuclear power plant accident upwind of you should be determined and assessed, as well, IMO.

I definitely recommend that each person in the household have a BoB. These can be assembled over time and improved upon over time.

Every place has it's STOBOR!!!
The best luck is what you make yourself!